Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This is a question to pro lifers?

ok, so someone said to me a child should not be aborted under any circumstance because it does not belong to the mother, it is an individual, if this is so, what about circumcision? that shouldn't happen unless a child is consenting, but it can't, so is that not just as bad? rights are still being invaded, also, what about its religion, surely if it is not its mothers she shouldn't force her religion onto it, it has its rights ya know, this question is not for all pro lifers, many pro lifers are ok with abortion on some occasions, but if you think it is a human and has its own rights, then why is it ok to teach it a religion from birth, why is circumcision ok? why is it ok to send it to school, surely it should choose when its old enough.

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