Monday, July 18, 2011
Secret Lifers. What do you think will happen?
What do you think will happen at the end of season 3. What do you think will happen at the wedding and what do you think will happen to Adrian and Ben and the baby?
Neck pain with shortness of breath.. What could this be?
My husband has been having this problem severely for about 2-3 weeks, though he has had minor episodes over the course of about 7 years. He is in the US Military and had been overseas in 2004, when he came back he started having chest pains and shortness of breath. Docs diagnosed him with PTSD and then put him on an anti-depressant medicine. He was not content with that being the cause of his problems, over the years he has stopped taking that medication. Lately his symptoms have seemed to worsen. He is having neck pain that is sore to the touch along with shortness of breath and chest pain. He can turn his neck from side to side, but has a hard time looking up and down without having breathing problems. He has gone to the ER twice. The first doctor just told him it was hyperventilation syndrome. We were definitely not content with that answer. The second doctor was much more sympathetic. He thought something had rotated or sprained or something within his neck that was causing all the breathing problems. So he has seen a series of doctors. We've done a thyroid test that came up with nothing. We've done X-Rays that there is definitely something wrong in his neck. Whether a disk has slipped, something shifted, or a pinched nerve. That dr. wanted to do an MRI. We got that done and when the results came back the nurse told us that it did seem like something is pinched. My husband asked her what we can do to fix this problem and he told her that they will probably just medicate him. That's where I am at a standstill. If there is really something pinched or if they know something is wrong in his neck, how can they just medicate him and expect that to fix it. If anybody has any opinions, they would be much appreciated. Thanks
USMC and a Sexual Fetish?
Officially, any paraphilia is a disqualification. Unofficially, as long as it stays in the bedroom you'll be just fine. Really, it's exactly like "don't ask, don't tell": if people don't know then it's not a problem.
Do you need to make reservations in Vegas on a weekday?
I am there Tues, Wed and Thur nights. Are reservations needed for the larger restaurants, or not necessary?
Do you agree with my friends, that I don't have a social life?
You should try being social it's something you need growing up you can't just ship it away from you and they aren't considered friends if they say things like that why not become friends that you have things in common with? Btw Anime rocks :D
If I have a question about something on my medical records (my scoliosis) can I just call my doctor and ask?
I need to know my degree of curvature for a military interview. (pre-screening questionnaire) I do not have any written records of it so it ok to just call my doctor and ask about it? Or should I go in?
Can a hotel cancel my reservation and not tell me until I'm there to check in?
I arrived at a hotel in London yesterday and was immediately told that someone had cancelled my reservation. Apparantly someone phoned 12 days ago and cancelled it according to the receptionist.None of us had cancelled the booking. Funny how he remembered this cancellation without checking my booking ref or details though. He had a piece of paper ready with my booking cancelled. Just sat there in front of him. He couldn't care less about it and was extremely aggressive. We checked with other hotels in the hope of finding a room for the night and apparantly he is well known for double booking rooms on purpose especially when he can get more money for the room. Does anyone know if there is somewhere I can report this hotel? Thanks
Since all pregnancies endanger the womans life then doesn't that mean pro lifers should allow ALL abortion?
The subject of abortion rights fits within the larger question of whether governments have the right to impose the risks of loss of life and limb for the protection of others. Interestingly, EVERY nation on earth asserts the right to impose those risks on young men in defense of the nation. EVERY single one.
My friend is awol and wants to stay in the army?
Alright look my friend joined the army in june of 09 all his life wanted to be in the military he went to his duty station in october 09 he was getting hazed really bad getting pushed around phyisically and called names thats not wat the armys about so he went awol he felt guilt and returned on his own on feb of 2010 after being there for a.mounth he was still getting picked on bad so he went awol again hes been awol ever since he had a kid and has a.job but wants to return to the army because he wants too serve his country will they take him bak and could they change his unit or mos because of him getting hazed let mw.know plzz and he was realy getting hazed bad because of his age he joined at 17
American express card charged without permission?
Yesterday we needed a limo last minute for an event and a limo company told me that they just needed my AMEX card to hold it, nothing would be charged and that I could pay everything in cash when I saw them 3 hours later that same day. My husband was also calling companies and had already booked one & paid a deposit while I was on the other line without my knowing. So I called back to the 1st limo company within 25 minutes, greatly apologized and said that I needed to cancel our limo reservation and explained how my husband had paid a deposit and had already reserved another limo. The guy was very disappointed but never said anything about being charged for anything. Today I get a voicemail from the "cancelled" limo company saying that they are putting a $200 charge on my AMEX because I had inconvenienced their driver by rearranging his day at the last minute. Can I dispute this ? I never signed anything or gave any permission to put any charges on this card, I was promised it was just to hold the limo reservation. I'm not sure how I greatly inconvenienced their driver when I had called back within 25 minutes to cancel. Please help, thank you so much !!!
Are white women going to decide the 2012 US election?
Obama won the minority vote in 2008. He lost the white male vote and will probably lose it again in 2012. 90% of African Americans will vote for him again. He will win the Latino and Asian American vote. He will get a majority of white women who live in central cities. The question is what white suburban women will do. They will decide the election. Obama won their vote in 2008. The economy will be doing better and I predict white suburban women will reward Obama by supporting him for a second term. Also, white suburban women tend to dislike the religious right and pro-lifers.
When you arrive to your first duty station, in Air Force?
I want to know how long is, on the job training (OJT) is for Safety Specialists, Personnel Specialists, Broadcast Journalists, and Public Affairs Specialists. How long is it, and when can you take your military leave after you arrive to your first duty station.
Anyone stationed at fort benning georgia?
i'll be moving from virginia beach to fort Benning. so ill be moving from the biggest naval base to the biggest army base i here? so how much different can it be at fort Benning? is it similar to virginia beach, without the beach? is there a lot to do there? is it better to live in military housing than to rent an apartment? i've never lived anywhere but virginia beach so im a little stressed about the move.
How come I wake up to a quiet alarm clock but when there is a loud sound I keep sleeping?
My alarm clock really is not that loud at all. When it goes off I can come out of the deepest of sleeps in the most random of times. Buttttttttttt.... When there is an earthquake or the military base is practicing and it's obviously waking others up, I sleep right through it!!! Why is this?
Transporting Guinea Pigs from Maui,Hawaii to Minnesota/Mainland?
check with american airlines, call the help desk and see if you can put the piggies in an airline approved crate and ship them "cargo" they call it cargo but it's temp controlled, they ship pets all the time like this! A friend of mine just shipped her doggies from the mainland with them. Good luck!
Do you agree with my friends, I have no social life?
Haha, Anime! *highfive* I'm pretty much the same, only I do socialize at school and online. As soon as I get home though, the doors shut, the laptops on, and my keyboard is at the ready. I don't do much outside of school.....except work (urgh). Hey, if you're happy, what else matters? Try to talk to your friends a bit more if it helps, nothings bad about going to the movies or a party, once you're there, you'll enjoy it.
Are there any openings in the Navy ?
Are there any openings in the Navy because every branch of the military has raised the score to get in to a 50 and i have a 40 wat are my chances of getting in the Navy
Do you realise that when someone is telling you what you can or can't do with yourself or your property__?
Or initiating thuggish force against you like forcing you to serve in a military, they're actually claiming OWNERSHIP of you! Meaning that you're human wealth livestock to them!
Good rifles to own for target shooting?
I'm not sure what caliber you'd like for target shooting. You've mentioned another .22 and the Mosin. The two most accurate guns I own at distance is a Rock River AR15 with a 16" stainless bull barrel, and my Ruger M77 in .25-06. The Ruger has a terrible trigger though. I've just gotten accustomed to it. The RR bull carbine is a beast.
What are the greatest battles fought in Polish histroy?
I am very interested it Polish military history and I wanted some opinions on what the greatest Polish victory was from any time period
If abortion is "wrong" because "children are a gift from God," how do you explain miscarriages?
At that point, God has taken the child that God gave, for many reasons. The child could have been born with a problem He knows the parents could not handle, it could be to teach the parents strength in struggle, or some other reason. An abortion is a selfish choice that we humans make.
Ramadan: I did something bad?
It was not correct that she massaged you. As Allah for forgiveness and avoid such things for the sake of Allah. I would categorize this as a minor sin; therefore, do many good deeds and search for ways to eliminate minor sins such as coming early to Jumu'ah Prayer etc or making Istighfar between Jumu'ah Prayer and Maghrib. Don't forget Qiyamu-Layl. We all do mistakes and you are not an angel. Allah willl forgive you if you are sincere.
I might get this job, but I have a vacation planned?
I applied and interviewed at a retail store last week. I'm not sure I'll even get the job, but if I do, how can I tell them I'm going on vacation? I said I could start immediately when I applied online last week, but my mom and her new boyfriend invited me on a 4-day vacation. I plan on calling tomorrow to see if my interviewer is there so I can tell her that I need 4 days off. I don't want this to influence her decision, though. Should I call tomorrow or wait and see if I actually get the job (which will happen in the next few days)? My mom's bf needs to make reservations very soon, though, so I'd rather not wait.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Will a court ordered medical stay for depression/suicidal show up in a "Secret" Background check?
It was a long time ago and I was told at the time that it wouldn't affect me in the future (I had even told some of the nurses I was planning on joining the military someday). Long story short, it was a one time event due to medicine I shouldn't have even been on. I'm already processing one med waiver for a shoulder problem so another would pretty much bar me from enlistment. I am going into the Air Guard and all the jobs I want require a "Secret" clearance. I think that it doesn't show up on a criminal background check from what I have been told, instead it would show up in medical records which are hard to obtain (even after you sign the paper that says they can view them). Soooo as long as the depression is NEVER again a problem (which it WON'T BE!) do you think I have a lil bit of hope on it passing?
Why is there suicide prevention in prison?
That's a great question because it points out the irony. The criminal justice system does everything it can to drive a convicted person to suicide but then they have counselors in prison to prevent it. It's a perverted sense of justice. The truth of it is that most people who work inside the system feel like you do but they also know that it doesn't look good from a public perspective to have prisoners actually commit suicide. So there you have it. It's a system that intends to drive people toward suicide but which doesn't want the conclusion because it paints a negative picture of the system itself..
Is it O.K. to set boundaries and distance myself from my manipuatlitive, disrespectfull stepkids?
hahaha i have no idea why the whole family is just fine with their bratty behavior!!! you have every right to be mad! i think your daughter is really mature for respecting them but she seriously has a reason to be angry...if i were you i would tell my husband how much this annoys me! im sure they feel like you're raplacing their mom or that their dad will love your daughter more ,but they have absolutely no right to tell you how important they should NOT let them talk to you like they deserve better treatment...i think your husband should not be letting them be disrespectful towards you or your daughter...i would stop talking to them altogether! sadly in this situation your fiance has to either pick you or them because they obviously dont want you around...they sound like BRATS and you shoudn't let them treat you like this...good luck
How can you be anti-choice?
The same morons who believe that you can go to Hell for eternity for a moment of moral turpitude believe that sluts deserve what they get and should have to raise a baby for eighteen years in exchange for a few seconds of pleasure. Either that, or they just like telling people what to do.
Rx8, 350z, jeep grand Cherokee?
im interested in purchasing one of these cars i wanted to get opinions on which would be my best choice as far as insurance and mpg the pros and cons of each one and an overall answer one which one is best for me. im 21 year old male in the military so i dont know if insurance will be cheaper or higher.
Why do many "pro-lifers" make exceptions in the case of rape or incest?
Often the idea is that when people get pregnant they originally had a choice to risk doing so by having sex. If a woman is raped she did not consent to taking the risk and so in that instance pregnancy can be seen as being forced upon the woman. Therefore, some see it as a valid reason to allow the woman's right to life without pregnancy (since pregnancy means not working for a period of time even if the woman gives the child up for adoption plus physical distress) to outweigh the unborn child's right to life. I personally think a life is a life is a life and instead of government's providing to cover abortions (like in Canada) they should provide money so women can afford being pregnant and then give up the child for adoption.
18th. amendment in const.1973pak. is sofort applicabe.?
the punjabi,s are trying to wringginout the cons. because of thier reservation, while the persons of sind prov. are not available in punjab on the reserved seats. always punjbigardi is observed in pakistan.balochistan prov. has solved this dehshagardi of punjab n ballochistan.
39 year old man with a spot on his lung-what could be the possible causes be?
My friend, who is only 39, has a spot on his lung. He is the military and has been deployed to the Middle East several times. He is not a smoker, but does dip/chew. Also...before he joined the Army, he smoked a lot of marijuana, but that was a long time ago. Any ideas about what it could be?
I don't like the military. Infact if anything I'm surprised they are not punished...?
So before you call me a motherfuc*er and send me death threats, hear me out. The military CHOSE to join the army so they can KILL people ( protect our country???). I really don't understand how this country is so deluded thinking these 'brave soldiers' are so respected. I mean let me repeat they join the military forces to KILL people!! How fuc*ing barbaric is that?!?!? I just don't get it..
Why do people who are against abortion think they can force their views onto others?
If they think a clump of cells is enough of a human being they are crazy enough to believe anything.
Who are pro lifers to feel morally superior to me simply because i spend my time saving animals rather than?
trying to control someone else's life based on the false premise of human divinity? Who are they to point a finger of judgement at me and say that my priorities are out of whack? At least i'm not a retard schizophrenic believing the bible is true or god exists like they are
I want to make temporary website?
I'm working on a project and i want to make a website just for a week. I'm not interested on blog as i want to make website for a tourism company. So online reservation system is needed. Also i need code for this purpose as im not familiar with web designing currently. Please recommend me best and easy solution. Thanks in advance.
Pro lifers ,does you responsiblity end when the woman doesnt have the abortion?
Your way of justifying abortion is lame. No one knows who that person would grow up to be or in what environment he/she grows up in. Every living being should be given the opportunity to live. I am not going to judge someone incapable of having a life especially prior to birth.
Were getting ready to PCS and?
My husbands in the military hes in training right now but he graduates next week. He already got his permanent orders for our duty station and his DS told him to move everything ourselves and the military gives you more money then what the move cost. So I know we get that money once we get to our duty station which is on the other side of the US. But were supposed to get a moving allowance and since he's graduating next week and only has 3 days to report I thought he'd get it today being the first but the only thing in there is our basic pay, and that dont even cover the U-Haul rental we still have gas, food and hotel to pay for plus we have a small baby, So i was wondering if anyone knew if we'll get his moving allowance before he graduates training or are we going to have to wait untill he graduates and drive back down here to pack everything up?
ASVAB Military Police Requirement?
On the ASVAB test are there certain sections that should be better than others in order to become an MP? If so what are they? And what range should your score be in in order to become an MP. Thanks!
Tough situation-------why do I feel this?
it sounds like you have a strong bond with this man, however for your own sake you must realize that since he is in a professional position you and him can never be together. try to focus on other guys.
Er.......................Get a life? While you're getting a life, learn how to type with common sense.
If someone you've never met died, would you care?
I wouldn't care tbh I'm not the person killing the baby but I would feel bad for the poor little baby
Pro life question.. (for some, not all)?
im prolife for myself. i dont believe in abortion, so i wouldnt have an abortion. i have no right telling someone else to do with their body and future. if i was ever raped, i dont know that i would keep my baby and raise it as my hubby's and mine, or give it up (adoption). you cant say until you are staring at it and holding it. by the way... my interpretation of prolife is: no abortion, no execution and no war. pro life means everything involving proliferation, not destroying it.
Can military couples move in together after boot camp?NAVY?
can my boyfriend and i move in together right after we both get out of boot camp? Same type of jobs.
Question for USAF or a spouse of USAF??-important?
He will be confined, not in one of those "open" prisons. There will be violence in almost all prisons. Under this charge, and conviction, you can probably get" NO visitation" or visitation under"watch". you may have to go to the American embassy in the UK about the funds.
Camping on a indian reservation?
You should try and call their band office. In situations like this, it is courtesy to ask for permission before you camp on their property, and use their bathrooms and ammenities. Most reserves were allow you to pass through with your car on the road if it runs through their properties, but they sometimes don't like you just staying there without permission.
Pro-lifers, Is using the morning after pill just as bad as abortion?
You are obsessed with abortion . Why is it so important ? It's not even an issue in most parts of the world .
Am I gonna be in trouble?
I am a divorce father to a beautiful and my ex share custody,last january I ask her if I can take my daughter to vacation for her b-day, she said yes,but as the date comes closer she changed her mind and said NO. can I still take my daughter with out her permission? would I be in trouble? I already pay the reservation and everything,some were non refundable
How do I get away with leaving military service off of my resume?
Is there any way that I can, in an ethically or legal sense, leave my Marine Corps time OFF of my resume. I am trying to avoid veteran discrimination that IS pretty prevalent out there. Not only that, but the degree that I am currently working on has ZERO to do with what I did in the Marine Corps and, as such, I feel that putting the five years of my life that I wasted in the Marine Corps will be detrimental with respect to me getting a job. By the way, I am NOT looking to get hired by some defense contractor and am NOT looking to become a cop like 99% of former Marines try to do. I just want to be a NORMAL person who works at a NORMAL job. One last thing, it should be known that the Marine Corps is NOT helping to pay for my college education, but the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is actually paying for it. Actually, the Dept. of Veterans Affairs pays ALL veterans benefits and the individual service branches pay zilch/zero. Morever, every branch BUT the Marine Corps has more to offer than the Marine Corps in terms of benefits. I'm just adding this to my question in order to educate some of you folks because a person who goes to college directly after high school has exponentially higher odds of getting a job than does someone who enlists in the Marine Corps, gets out, and then tries to get a decent paying job. I know all of this because I have and am living it as we speak and don't want others to suffer the same fate as I have.
Isn't it funny pro lifers think their crusade is any more important than animal rights activists?
No, what's strange is people like you think killers on death row and animals are worthy of your sympathy and time, but you like ripping unborn humans apart and sucking them out of the mother's womb. That's what's (not) funny.
Legal age to buy fireworks at a washington indian reservation?
To buy fireworks at an indian reservation in washington state (boom city cough cough) do you have to be a certain age? if you think yes or no still say it, but if you know for sure say that you do. thanks!
Program I can travel the world and help people?
I'm 18 years old what's a good program like the us military that I can travel the world and help people?
Can you buy fireworks on the indian reservations if your under 18?
I live in oregon and there are Indian reservations around not to mention in southern washington. But me and my friends are under 18 and wondering if they will still sell fireworks to us.
Do you have to make reservations for olive garden ? and if so, how does that work ?
i heard they work on a first come, first serve basis . this makes me nervous because i wanted me & my friends to go out for my birthday . there will be around 5-10 people depending on who can come . so is it a bad idea to just all go together & see if there is a table, or do you think it might be full ? im going on a saturday or friday .
Military Academy Question?
I have always wanted to go to a military academy, specifically the Air Force Academy, but I don't think that I can get the grades needed to get in. I got a 3.3 my freshmen year because I didn't take school seriously, and then sophomore year I was taking A.P. and Honors courses but I cut too much weight during wrestling season and my grades were severely affected. So for Sophomore year I finished with a 3.0. I'm going into Junior year now and lets assume I get a 4.0. I'm not taking any really tough classes except physics and pre-calc advanced, and I get A's in math so this shouldn't be a problem. This leaves me with a 3.4 overall, which is no where near what is required to get into and academy. I'm a varsity wrestler that lettered as a freshmen and a captain of my team. I also volunteer at the veteran's hospital. For a project I sold american flags with plaques under them where people could have loved ones names who had died serving our country. I then, with the help of the town, lined a major street with theses flags. Assuming i get the recommendation from a congressman and score high on my SAT, do I still have a chance of getting onto an academy? Going to an academy is my only option and if I don't get in I will do ROTC at another college and then apply again. Oh and I also went to Boys State. Thanks for the help in advance its killing me thinking about it and I just want to know the truth I have a feeling that my guidance Councillor is lying to me because she doesn't want me to give up. Thanks
My Grandmother was full blooded Cherokee I know what reservation she came from where do I go from there?
I'm not sure what your trying to ask exactly like what your trying to find out. I'm sure if you visited the reservation you'd find some answers. But a bit more detail would have been great
Are SEAL Team 6 members Lifers? Or just signed up for a single hitch in the NAV?
I'm not going to lecture you on SEaL unit nomenclature today but I will say Tier 1 personnel are almost exclusively lifers.
Do people not know about medicated abortions?
I believe people know about the abortion pill, but the restrictions on getting it are becoming harder. I live in ohio and a few months ago they passed a law that it can't be taken after 7 weeks 0 days. And since its a 4 day procedure the latest you could start is 6 weeks 3 days. This would mean at most you have approximately 2 weeks to come up with $575, yep that's how much they charge here. Getting a surgical abortion let's you abort a lot further into pregnancy and costs less if you receive only local anesthesia. So since most people get it done surgically, the embryos are torn apart while being sucked out. It just depends on ones morals, to decide to be pro life or pro choice.
What branch of the military accepts people with a criminal background?
Very few if any waivers these days for criminal backgrounds. Way too many folks who maganaged to obey the law are filing into recruiters offices across the country and recruiters aren't going out of their way to find waivers for law breakers. If that doesn't do him in his medical background will definitely do him in and there are No EMT's on active duty.
Should a guy be liable as a parent if a girl forgets to take her pill?
Either way you helped create that baby. It is your responsibility to take the necessary steps to prevent said baby. Even if you don't want to take care of the baby you are legally tied to provide money for his or hers well being
Saturday, July 16, 2011
I'm currently in the process of being dis-enrolled from ARMY ROTC, and I've requested the Active Duty Option. The ADO would require a four year minimum of service, which I am willing to accept with no reservations whatsoever. I fully understand that my packet goes up for review before a board & the final decision relies on them, with the other option being repayment of funds. Is it possible after being selected to serve the four year active duty to serve it in a branch other than the Army seeing how that's who the scholarship was through?
Pro-lifers: If a scientist drops a frozen embryo scheduled to be implanted into the womb, is he a murderer?
Even if "life begins at conception" were true, he would not be a murderer since it wasn't unlawful or premeditated.
Abortion: in what ways is it unjustifiable...?
for an 11 year old girl who got raped by her dad to get an abortion. i would like to here from pro-lifers (anti-abortion) mostly, but i would also like to here pro-choicers opinions.
What are the dorms like at USF Tampa?
My main question is about the bathrooms. They put me in Delta Hall/Andros Complex but I have been told by more than one person to switch out because they are old and ugly, and the bathrooms are "military-like" with no privacy. How is the shower/toilet? I made a request to change out, and my top 3 were Juniper-Poplar, Beta Hall, and Maple Hall. Were these good choices? How are the bathrooms arranged? Do I have to relieve myself in-front of others? (lol) since I know 2 rooms are connected to each other through the bathrooms? PLEASE I am so confused! It will be my first year!
What air force job is best suited for me?
I am want to join for the 4 year duration and then transfer to civilian life. But i want to have a steady, secure, and fun job. Ive researched some jobs and the ones i find the most interesting are the ones that are for lifers.i am really just looking for a better description and opinions from other air force people.I realize that the type of job YOU might find interesting i might NOT.just some opinions would be nice.
Pro-"Lifers": Would you take a miscarriage as badly as you would the death of your newborn?
Since the existence of a fetus is equivalent to the life of a baby according to you, would you take a miscarriage as badly as the death of your infant?
Pro-lifers: Would you pay a woman money to NOT get an abortion?
I think if pro-lifers do this, the 'pro-abortion' women would be getting prego just for the cash $$$. I'd rather give the woman the $3000 to get HER AND HIM BOTH on birth control, to prevent the abortion issue from ever coming up.
Casual outfit help please?
Hello all I made reservation for me and my hubby to a resturant. The dress code is casual and elegant. Any idea on what to wear thanks ladies
Should I trust my girlfriend when she goes overseas for the military?
My girlfriend and I have been together for 1 year and she's being shipped to basic training in 2 weeks. My friends and my mom even have warned me that she might start, and I quote the words of my friend, "whoring around"... Should I trust my girlfriend not to do anything with other guys? we're very very recently engaged... please offer some help this has kept me so anxious and so scared for such a long time it is a major concern of mine and I'm very very worried it may become a please :(
Baby Shower at a restaurant?
I offered to host my friend's baby shower a while back and have already made the reservation for Cantina Laredo. The invitations have already been sent out and i am already aware and willing to pay for people's lunch. However, some of the dishes on the menu are a little too pricey. I will be telling them that I will pay for food, but if they would like drinks they need to pay for them. My main question is, would it be tacky to print off my own menu with the reasonable priced dishes (on very nice paper and in the theme of the restaurant of course) or would it be acceptable? I don't want to seem tacky, but I also don't want to break my bank! Thank you in advance for all of your advice!
Srs question, should Males & Females shower together in the Military?
In the Military....Gays and Lesbians are allowed to shower together now...There both sexually attracted to the same sex, Straight Women and Men are sexually attracted to the opposite sex, therefore..should they just allow straight women and men shower together?
Am I the only one that finds it interesting that many of the pro-lifer's are against "entitlements"?
They claim to hate freeloaders on their tax dollars, but they are trying to force women to have more.
What do you do after you fall for your best friend and things go wrong?
So how a lot of stories go there is this guy. We have been friends for about 8 years he asked me out once when were really young and I told him no because I didn't feel the same, but I promised to stay his friend and I did. Throughout high school he had multiple girlfriends and not too many of them liked me. One girl I set him up with broke up with him because she told me, she thought he was in love with me, but I still didn't feel the same so I ignored it. After graduation I went to college and he went to the military, but we still stayed very close through email and fb. A year out of high school I went through a tough time and even though he was thousands of miles away he was very supportive and I grew to count on him more and more, but feeling unsure of my feelings with him I waited until he came home. On his leave he came and we visited for a brief time because he didn't have much time home and I knew that my feelings were more than just friends. So after he left I told him how I felt and he felt the same, he said he didn't want to date me because he would be deployed soon and he would prefer if we waited. After that we "talked" for two or three months acknowledging how we both felt about each other and he made it seem that I was the only girl he was "talking" to. Unfortunately I was wrong he slept with one girl and was talking to another. Normally people say when you’re "talking" you are allowed to talk to more than one person, he goes by a double standard because he would flip if I was with another guy in any way and to be honest I only wanted to be with him anyway. So I deleted him off of fb after our fight and didn’t talk to him for a month because I couldn’t stand fighting with my best friend, until he got another leave and we ran into each other and I wasn’t very happy to see him, but I had missed him so it was hard, but I refused to let him hug me and he got angry with me. He texted the next day and we fought and it has now been a month and half since we have talked and I really don't know what to do. I miss my friend very much and I'm really not sure what went wrong, for him to be with two other girls seems odd because he has always respected me and cared for me to the point where he has physically fought for me. When I asked him why he did this he just says he didn't want to break my heart and he didn't know if he could take that chance of hurting me and that he isn't good enough for me. idk what I am supposed to do with that is he playing me or is he being genuine? I want to be with a guy who wants to be with me and only me, but I would hate to lose my friend. What should I do?
Should I get back into the Assassins Creed series?
I love AC and AC2, but thats where I stopped, the idea of multiplayer turned me off, but my question is How does the multiplayer play like, and is it like COD, in the sense of perks, and add-ons, and all that good stuff? And are there many people still on, and are they no-lifers who ruin the game?
What is up with Tony and Joe's Seafood Place?
Maybe it is out of business. Call the local Chamber of Commence and they will know what is up with this place.
Abortion: in what ways is it unjustifiable...?
for an 11 year old girl who got raped by her dad to get an abortion. i would like to here from pro-lifers (anti-abortion) mostly, but i would also like to here pro-choicers opinions.
How do I get into the weapons business?
My suggestion is to not ask non-military theme questions in the military area. I would go to a company website and see about employment.
Just a simple timetable for hostel room reservations?
I am rather new to php but I got a request for adding a php automated bed booking system to add to the existing accounting system. I have looked every where and can only find complete systems. Can someone please point me in the right direction? All i need is a simplistic table that automatically displays a reserved block based on date ranges from a mysql db. Thanks a lot in advance.
I beat this kid for making fun of my family my self and father.?
My dad drinks and gets drunk and this kid ( called dmitri) Makes fun of it and my brother is gay and he torments me for it and my mom is depressed and he makes fun of me excludes me from this makes fun of me talking smack behind my back trying to steal friends from me. And one day ( today) I had ENOUGH OF THIS KIDS garbage. I turned around grabbed his collar and punched the hell out of him i nearly broke this kids face in i punched him in the face. And ground his face on the ground. And beat him with his own ice cream cone.... This kid has made me cry. Get angry and depressed. I have NEVER in my life been this aggresive to another man. Im 5.4 132 pounds and he makes fun of me that im fat even tho i have more muscle then fat and im in M.M.A and he brags how he is in judo makes sexual jokes all the time. Oh not to mention..i um...Curbstomped his Nutsack into submission.... He would grab peoples nuts spray you with a water gun. And he does this veeery often I would be out with my friend Brad and he would steal Brad away from me... And exclude me He would suck up to his friend Yuri. And when his mom comes Knocking on my F**** door she yells and b***'s and when my mom goes there she is all like '' Please stop'' And walks away and it would REALLY PISS ME OFF im a nice guy im a Scout i help out at anytime I really don't dont like violence. This kid made me argue with my mom... Made me cry bullied me. Almost commited suicide becouse of this russian FF****. Theres this nice guy called john he is really nice wears a suit 24/7 even indoors and pretends to be a gentleman and and wastes his whole life on minecraft. And Dmitri SPRAYED his 500 doller suit. And he never came outside ever again. This kid would shout at my window bragging about my friend brad of how he hates me and schit, Im freaking out and dont know what to do im starting to take my anger out on others when i want to take it to him he would run away if i came to talk or get his darn mom. He tries to anger my Alcholic dad by asking stupid darn answers which really angers me. He pretends to be gay. Just to off my dad cause he's Anti homo sexual. And talk about ***** and he would also grabbed peoples genitals and smile. He calls me a No lifer prikk that will NEVER get a girl friend or never succede in life. I feel like beating him more but i hate violence and please dont suggest counclers i tried. they dun work. Please leave a story and OR A way to help or both i would really appreicate it. - Raymond
Pro-Lifers--your thoughts on terminating an ectopic pregnancy?
MOst people say in case of death abortion is ok. Or at least the decision of the person. But that only makes up less than 2% of abortions. It's the 98% that most people don't like. Being lazy and using it as birth control is not a reason. There is no reason if they use precaution. And that is why alot are pro life. Or what I call myself, Anti-lazy.
Does japan have native reservations like in the usa?
Japan's natives are the Japanese (Yamato) people as well as the Ainu. Overtime, the Ainu has been displaced and assimilated into mainstream Japanese society, hence there are no such native reservations like the US. However, there are tourist attractions that feature the lives of such natives.
What should I do? I havnt really heard from my boyfriend in almost a week?
My boyfriend is in the military so its not un normal for me not to hear from him for days at a time but ive noticed hes had plenty of time to update his facebook status multiple times a day and havnt even sent me a hello text. About a week n a half ago he said that he feels bad for me waiting on him to finally return home. We talked and decided we cared to much for each other. Every thing was great again untill 5 days ago when he started ignoring me. Does he want to end it? What should I say to him? Should I end it? I have deep feelings for him :(
Friday, July 15, 2011
What is the US phone number for the Grupo Senda bus company?
I am taking a bus from Atlanta, GA to Mexico City and after doing research, I have decided to take the Grupo Senda. I was able to find their website and I am able to make a reservation but I have no idea where to go to catch the bus or any other details of the trip. It gives me the itinerary but that's it. I would like to know if anyone has a phone number that can be dialed from a US phone or if anyone knows where I can go in Atlanta to speak with someone face to face. Please, also provide any additional information that you think I should know about this company, or the journey to Mexico City. Thanks for all of your help.
How would diplomatic relations be with a self sufficient country that is independent of foreign resources?
Honestly, even if you were capable of superior production accross the board, there will always be an interest in trade between the nations. However, if your scenario is all make believe, you tell me what would happen. I can think of no scenario where corporate espionage, scientific theft etc would not happen. Individuals within the nation itself would turn (human nature.) Take a look at the United States, we are 50 years ahead of the Chinese, but that doesent mean a whole butt load of espionage is being conducted within this country. Also look at Baja California, 700 million people crowded in that peninsula would mean they would be living on top of eachother in closed spacing. Also, honestly if the United States wanted this nation gone, it would of been done. No nuclear shield works 100%.
Married in the military?
Can one be in the navy and the other be in the coast guard and still live in the same area with little to no problems?
Pro-choice and my thoughts on abortion?..?
I am pro-choice, and I do think abortion is right, but if the FETUS changes into an actual baby with a soul and able to process a single thought, then it's wrong. I remember my mom telling me how she was going to abortion me all because she was raped.. I didn't ask to be here on this earth. It was her CHOICE. For all of you pro-lifers, keep in mind that this world is over crowded. In a few more decades or another century, that this earth may not be able to support the human race. This is another reason why I support abortion, is because of overpopulation. You want your kids to be able to see the earth and it's beauty? It may not happen. I'm also tired of men who think that women are to be used as tools for breeding and carrying on their name. It's so sickening! I'm also sick of religion and it's role in abortion. Religion ruins everything to where it can't even allow you to make your own descisions. I'm sorry that this is all jumbled together, but hopefully y'all get the idea. Does anyone think it's a womans choice to abort and not "god" or society as a whole? Don't be the sheep who are going to the slaughter.
Is it legal for the USAF to call its physical fitness uniform a uniform?
Is it legal for the USAF to call its physical fitness uniform a uniform even though it does not display Rank or Name? I heard that the Geneva Conventions or some other regulation says that all military uniforms must display name and rank, but i have been unable to find anything myself.
My bf gets the GI bill and doesn't want to work? Am I being unreasonable?
You are not unreasonable. If he can't support himself without asking you for a handout, then he needs to do something about it. You need to stop enabling him. He didn't earn the right to mooch off you. If he wasn't with you, how on earth would he get by? So you need to get tough with him. When he asks for money, tell him you can't afford it. Soon enough he'll realise he needs to be doing something. Right now it is far too easy for him to take advantage of you. And you are allowing it by always coming through with money. You are not a bank! If you're planning a future - marriage, babies, who will support you when you're off work? Where is the relationship headed? What is his plan - to use 'I earned the right to...' forever and What help is he to you, say if you lost your job - who is supporting you? All I see is You making all the effort, and him living the good life. And I'm of the opinion that every young, well and able bodied person should be working (excludes stay at home parents), especially seeing as though most people need to work to live.
Has my mother in-law over stepped her bounds?
Me and my fiance have 6 children between the two of us (3 each) that we have full custody of. Ages 13yr, 12yr, 8yr, 6yr, 4yr, and 2yr. My 3 step children's birth mother hasn't been a part of their lives for a long time, and wasn't much of a mom when she was around. I have gladly welcomed them as if I had given birth to them. They call me mom, tell everyone I am their mom, and seem to be truly happy and feel safe now. The only one that seems to be having trouble with this is my mother in-law. At first she seemed thrill but as time goes on she does things that make me question her true feelings. I get along very well with all my other in-laws. Just the other day my mother in-law informs me and my fiance if when my 8yr old step daughters 9th birthday party is and what is going to happen. She didn't ask us for ideas or what date would work or any kind of detail for the party. She just planned the whole thing without ever consulting me or my fiance. Due to this my 3 children won't be able to be there because they have to go see their birth father in another state that weekend and I'm stuck at work. We were planning on having our daughters birthday party the weekend before so that everyone could be there but my mother in-law never asked and just made all the reservations without us. This comes after she ruined my 6yr old daughter birthday a few months ago by getting physically violent with my fiance at my uncles house(she shoved him and was yelling over one of the kids being put in time-out), and ignoring my two older step son's birthdays. I feel that she's greatly over stepped her bounds. Am I just being to touchy about it or not?And how do i handle this without it causing to much of a fight?
I have a question about abortion?
Why do some pro-lifers say that abortion is okay if the baby was the product of rape, but not for another reason. If you think that abortion is wrong because it is killing an innocent person, what does it matter what the FATHER did? It makes it seem as if they are just bitching because they want to punish the mother for not living a christian lifestyle. Or they at least have some alterior motive for contradicting themselves like this.
Surgical abortion???????????????/?
I am happy to meet a fellow pro choice that seems to share a similar view of abortion. I don't have any experience with surgical abortion but I do with the abortion pill. (Had to take it when my unborn child died and my body wasn't expelling the fetus.) Anyway I remember when I was at Planned Parenthood for the procedure they had a notebook where you could leave encouraging notes about your experience for other scared women about to go through the same thing. If you could find a Planned Parenthood in your area they might let you look at their notebook if you explain about your project. Good luck with your project. Contact me if you want info on the abortion pill.
Should i do whats Best for my family, or best for me?
If I were in your shoes. I would do what is best for me, it is not healthy for a woman to get pregnant so soon. Its not good for your body. As for the abortion issue, that in the end is one of your options, I'd wait to see if I am and If I wasn't Id praise God on that one. If I were I'd speak with my doctor immediately to weigh the pros and cons by yourself, then include your family when you feel you have reached the right decision. In the end it is YOUR decision. Don't do anything you will regret in the future. If you can afford another child and are pregnant and healthy and you want more I'd keep it.
Will my army friend in Germany pay customs tax for package sent from US?
I want to send a package (usps flat rate international large box) to my friend who is in the military and based in Germany, but will he pay for taxes? He has his APO address. Also, I heard that when I fill out the customs at USPS I have to insure it as well, what amount do I put so he won't have to pay?
"Pro-Lifers" -- do two wrongs make a right?
Well, as we can see with the war being waged against Planned Parenthood right now, that it's not about preventing the need for abortions, it's about controlling women. Anti-women advocates are generally against the use of birth control too. They don't understand that they can't have it both ways. But then again, they aren't about saving babies, they're about punishing women for sex they don't approve of.
Will I be able to get an abortion in Canada if I'm not a Canadian citizen?
Only a few hundred bucks in a clinic. Most likely more in the hospital, but since you don't need to spend the night I don't think it would be too expensive
Does the father have any legal right in choosing abortion or not?
I might be pregnant and I have decided that abortion will be the best choice for me and my situation. (Sorry to the Pro-lifers) but my boyfriend wants to keep the baby. I understand that it is his baby too, but it's my body that will be carrying the baby. I feel terrible and don't know how to tell him I would want an abortion. Any experiences with this?
I live on the reservation and i have two cats...?
Well, actually three cats; The Momma cat, and two little ones. The little ones were born April 5th 2011. The momma cat uses the bathroom outside and the two little ones started using the bathroom in the litter since they were born or whatever.. anyways, I was wondering if there is any way i could 'teach' or 'train' them to use the bathroom outside.
I Suck at Black Ops Ps3!!!?
I used to play the wii version before i got the ps3 and black ops, and now im really terrible! im so pro! id average around 30-7 a game on wii. on ps3 i average 6-19 it's awful i get soo mad! everytime i turn a corner someone kills me! any tips on getting better? my Gamertag: Traynee-N1NJ4- also im a Rusher im not a camping no lifer!
Would you consider the brits racist for not giving president obama a MBE when he graced em with his visit?
One of the Beefeaters should have kicked him in the patooty when he spoke up in front of the queen like a dumbass.
How can I exchange emails with someone in the military over seas?
I would like to exchange emails with someone in the military over seas..preferably Canadian.. so that I could learn more about their life and what it is like to do their job. I would also like to offer words of encouragement, thank them for what they are doing, and share a bit of what it happening in Canada in hopes of making their deployment somewhat easier.
HELP. I need a schedule to keep me busy during the day.?
Find a hobby and indulge in it. I took up horseback riding - now I have to many lol... But fills my time and my emotions - keeps me out of trouble. A hobby that brings in money would be beneficial and a good growing experience for you.
Do you rank up faster in Military if you are both an Eagle Scout and 2+ years in JROTC?
Im almost an eagle scout and am going into my 3rd year of JROTC... i know that seperatly they will rank me up, but didnt know if it would do anything else if i had both under my belt?
A vote for pro-life is a vote for less choice why would you vote for less choice.?
Pro-lifers wish to take away rights to what is essentially a medical procedure. Is it a choice only the women makes which must be difficult in it's self. Why does society especially religious and conservative types feel they always need to interfere and control this choice. Do you ever see these types screaming and screeching in the slums of third world countries trying to impose their opinion where it's not wanted.
If you are againt Planned Parenthood, where do you go for birth control and your annual gyn exams?
Depending on your income you could get medical card or you may be able to get money knocked off of a fee at a health department. or at a higher cost a regular dr.
Air Force Commandos real title?
Well I like the military and I watch the Military Chanel. They were talking about the Air Force Commandos and I decided to look them up. There was nothing and I was wondering what is the correct term?
My husband is a lifer at avenal state prison can we file for a green card?
If it's your husband who needs the green card, he cannot get one as a felon. If it's you, your husband could petition you, but he'd need co-sponsors since he's not working, and if you married shortly before he went to prison, USCIS is highly unlikely to view your marriage as genuine and approve your application for a green card.
I know this is off topic but, I stopped going to church. What was up with my pastor?
just read the top line, maybe he thought youd stolen a golf ball or two!! sometimes paranoia is apparent in religious communities!!
Husband just received orders Navy Seabee Gulfport, MS?
My husband is finishing with A School and just received his orders for Gulfport, MS. I don't know where or how to get started on planning our move. I've heard the military helps but with us both being new to the military I am unsure of how to start this. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
What do you think about pro lifers that are FOR the death penalty?
Hypocrites. "Thou shalt not kill" not only applies to mothers and potential murderers, but also to the government.
How to win back my Ex-Fiance?
I am looking for any advice on how to win my ex fiance back. He broke up with me 2 days ago and it is destroying me inside. A little side history. We have known each other since we were 8. We started dating a little over a year ago now. He is in Nuclear Power training which is considered to be the 3rd hardest military program in the country I believe. (he is in the U.S. Navy). We were dating long distance for about 4 months when I quit my good job, put my stuff in storage, and left all my family and friends behind me to be with him across the country. We have lived together ever since. He proposed back in February. We have our problems but honestly the reason we have problems is because he doesn't communicate completely. He leaves his stories and explanations short which causes me to think things that he doesn't really mean or do and not know if I can trust what he is doing. We broke up because we had an argument over him hanging out with his friends. Its not that I don't know he needs friend time (even though my life now is waiting at home for him to come home and I have no other life anymore or friends myself) I just was upset because I was feeling second best to everyone else. He works sooo much WE barely get time together. He broke up with me about 4 times. He denies it that he broke up with me multiple times. When I ask him why he doesn't want to be with me anymore after we were perfectly happy the day before (he told me how much he loved me and how happy I really made him) he can't honestly give me a reason I find valid. Everything he lists is stuff that he says I do not do which I do do. He goes back and forth between realizing it and then saying that I don't. I told him honestly if I wasn't doing enough of the things I was doing to make him happy he should have just told me he needed a little more instead of breaking up with me. I now am heartbroken. He doesnt want anything that reminds him of me. He wants me to move asap. He plans on pawning my engagement ring. He took back the sound system he bought for me when he proposed. He says he still loves me. And I know that it is true because I catch him still giving me the little looks he does when we are good. We fought pretty bad at first but now Ive avoided fighting or arguing about anything with him. I do everything he asks and offer to do even more. I try and hide that I am falling apart inside because I know it only pushes him away more. He is the type of person who is very stubborn and very closed minded to other input that isnt the same as his. I try to come to middle grounds with him and he doesnt try with me. He has a power issue and I feel like a couple of the times he broke up with me was all so he could feel powerful over me and see me crying my eyes out and begging for him back. So what can I do? How do I get my ex Fiance back for good? We were planning on getting married very soon and having a family ect. So I know that can't be completely wiped from him already so what are the ways to win someone like him with this situation back fast before he moves on?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Why do some pro-lifers assume that most women who get abortions are irresponsible?
"Nothing is guaranteed"? REALLY? You just said that? If you don't want a kid, don't have sex, there's no ifs ands or buts about it, or use as effective of contraceptives as possible, if you can't do that and thus decide to kill your baby due to your own ignorance, you are irresponsible.
Why is the united states sexest?
we should be aloud to have women in the united states special forces because that doesn't take just physical ability. it takes more mental than anything!. and women are more mental tough than men. but men are stronger. but women or smaller so they would be able to hide they're quieter on foot. and their adrineline exceeds higher than a mans, with self control. it's also scientifically proven that women have better eye sight in the dark and far away distances. these abilities could be helpful on the battle field, but why does the military ignore these things of women. why cant we be in the special forces or operations or front line?
What compensation do i receive when I get out of the military?
I will have six years of total service when I separate from the army. I have already qualified for a Va loan for a house but have not used it. Will I be able to use it when I exit the army? I probably will get some kind of percentage for being on antidepressants and other injuries. My main question is are there any other compensation I will get when I separate from the army that I may not know of?
Going to King's Dominion on July 3/4?
July 4th weekend is the busiest time of the year for US theme parks. Add to that all the people that want to cash in on getting in for free that day and you have a big awful mess. The stress and misery from the crowds will not be worth the free admission.
Why isn't in-vitro considered morally unacceptable?
Those spare embryos are considered property. They can be stored/destroyed/used for research or donated to other couples. Pro-lifers find most of these points offensive. They're comfortable with natural loss of embryos which happens in a significant number of pregnancies - they can't not be, there's nothing we can do to prevent it - but planned destruction of what, to them, qualifies as life is intolerable. It depends on when you think life begins - if it starts at conception, then planned use of zygotes with no intention to attempt to save the potential fetus is clearly immoral. I'm not sure when life begins and I'm a doctor. Legally we're in a bit of a spot also as we're much better at saving lives of premature fetuses - can even maintain life at gestation age below the legal cut-off for abortion. The issue is - what qualifies as human life? When does a bundle of cells deserve the same rights we expect for ourselves? Hope this helps you see their perspective.
Amsterdam Backpacking?!?
Me and 9 other friends are going to amsterdam next month & we couldn't find a decent place to stay that takes reservations.. SO what we've decided is to just turn up then find somewhere, is this recommended? As none of us have been before
Military Service Number?
Im filling out a VA formand (power of attorney to the dav) and they need my service number. Is it the same as my social? I got out of the military 6 months ago
Why not give into conservative whim and admit when we have abortions we're murdering a human baby?
I'm sure they would be complaining. And also complaining about having to pay higher taxes to support all of the extra people on welfare.
Chef's Mickey breakfast?
tried to make reservation for four but they are full the week I'm going. How much time will We wait for table without a reservation? any advice?
What is the name of this song.. the chorus is : da da du daa da. It?
It was featured on a Subway commercial some years ago, and also was played on the Anthony Bourdain No Reservation Brazil episode around the 2min 45 second mark.
Should I come to America?
I live on the Navajo Indian Reservation, and I hear about america and I think its great...Should i come?
Legal age to buy fireworks at a washington indian reservation?
To buy fireworks at an indian reservation in washington state (boom city cough cough) do you have to be a certain age? if you think yes or no still say it, but if you know for sure say that you do. thanks!
Do you need a valid US passport to enter canada if you are in the military?
Im enlisting in the military and when I get back, my friend and I wanna take a trip up to canada? Do i need a valid us passport or no?
Is a strong military or a strong economy more crucial for international power and recognition?
We may have the best equipped military, and the military budget here is more than the rest of the world's military budgets combined. But what is our military for? What do they actually do? They make the world safe for American "democracy." Democracy in this sense means they're making the world easier for American business people to conduct business. So why are we losing so much economic ground to other economies around the world? Very good question. Maybe if we treated the rest of the world as partners rather than as our servants, we'd have better economic results. Just my opinion.
Disney dining reservations?
You should call and make your requests as soon as possible. It will be easier for them to accommodate you prior to being completely booked with everyone else's reservations also.
How can I cheer up my boyfriend who feels like a failure at life?
We've been together a year & I've known him for 2. The year before we got together he picked up drinking and smoking after his grandmum passed away. The semester after we got together he got kicked out of his university for not attending (therefore failing) over the year he was still enrolled. Keep in mind he had a 3.8 before his grandmum passed. His family lives four hours away in Savannah while we live right outside of Atlanta. He gets really depressed a lot & doesn't know what he wants to do with his career now. He talks about the military, being a k9 cop, a firefighter, something to do with gaming, and a journalist. He's a great writer, knows a lot about the music, film, and gaming, and was a military brat like I was. He's 22 & I'm the main positive thing in his life. How can I help him feel better about himself or to be motivated to better himself?
Pro-Lifers and Pro-Choice folks, what if there was a third choice?
Apparently you many not be aware of this, but there ARE birth-control devices and medications, and have been for quite a while. Guess what? People have not been using them! If they had used them they wouldn't want an abortion.
Should I join the military to pay back student loans?
ROTC should be heavily considered. Since you're considering doing service already, check if you're school has an AF or Army ROTC program. You could contract, get a full scholarship, and then do a few years of service afterwards. I warn you though, don't do ROTC if you're gonna be some bullshit Officer that has no interest in the Armed Forces or his Soldiers, there are enough of those. But yeah, look into, it fits your situation perfectly.
What do you think of us Pro-Choicers retaking the lead over so-called "Pro-Lifers"?
People that see national issues as a popularity contest should not be allowed to vote. You trivialize the entire process and are an insult to citizens who actually try to better their community, regardless of which stance they take.
Do pro-lifers support the idea of over the counter birth control pills?
It could reduce the number of abortions each year. Yes abstinence is the most effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but it is not the only way.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I'm a permanent resident (2 years green card-conditional).My wife and i was not in good terms right now. I want to join in the military but she won't give me some requirements that i need, because i'm still married to her i need her SS card, birth certificate, and our marriage contract to file for dependent's.My first question, is there anyway i can join even she won't give me those requirements? My second question, If i divorce her am i still allowed to join?(My green card is based on our marriage coz she petitioned me).By the way she's never been home for several months now and didn't bother to call me either.I don't know what to do....
Pro lifers: how is a fetus a person when it isn't developed enough to have conscious/sentient thought?
Not a fan of Bill Maher, but you have to agree with him when he says pro-lifers think life begins at erection. How else would they confuse a cluster of cells with a "baby?"
Army Military Intelligence Officer - Active army respond plz?
"Always out front" has more to do with OODA loops than FLOTs. If you read carefully the web page you linked, you will see words like lead and manage and coordinate. That's what MI officers do.
How to/If I should tell him I'm pregnant?
I'm 27 and have been living with my boyfriend for about one year. I just found out I am pregnant, while he is on vacation until next week. In past conversations he has expressed his feelings for not ever having kids, and his fear that I may be trying to get pregnant, which I have always assured him that I actually don't want to get pregnant any more than he does, apart from having my own reasons (huge student loan debt, desire to pursue a grad school education, having just got my life together in the last few years). Anyway, the reason I went off birth control three to four months ago is because I was unemployed, we were moving apartments in a very expensive city, and I didn't believe I could afford it. Also, the prescription I had been renewing was out of refills months ago, and I wasn't sure it was even legal for me to keep refilling it. I lost my health insurance during my last semester at school, as I was one credit too short to have the plan. Since graduating in December, I have not tried to get new health insurance, and thus have waited to get back on birth control, until the obvious just recently happened. I do not believe my boyfriend and I are really in love, and I'm really not financially stable enough to consider having a child right now. I care so much about my boyfriend, and I believe that we will agree on what to do, but I must say that I am so humiliated and mortified that the one thing we both didn't want has happened. I honestly hoped to have the abortion this weekend so it would be over with by the time I told him (unless I healed and opted to just NOT tell him, out of my own fear- I admit), but today the doc said he couldn't do the procedure because I am barely over a week along, and so I have to wait two weeks. Now I can't decide how to tell my boyfriend, or if I shouldn't. I do know that he is adamant about not having kids, and I am not ready either. I am also just humiliated and afraid that he will resent me, not be able to handle the stress of this occasion, and become completely alienated from me. I don't foresee him trying to leave as finding a place to live elsewhere would be extremely difficult for him and for me, but I fear he will stay and treat me badly for making the one thing he didn't want to happen happen. I know he has a responsibility in all this too, and some part of the decision, but I just feel that if we both want to abort, perhaps I could save our relationship a ton of stress if I didn't tell him and did it on my own. Many of my friends think I should break up with him anyway, not tell him, and go through with the abortion on my own. I can't imagine having to pay double my rent in less than 2 weeks, pay for an abortion, break up with my boyfriend, and start life out alone all at once. I'm seriously just feeling mortified and scared that our relationship won't survive this, because we're not in love. I've always believed that one doesn't have to be in love to be in a relationship, so I want to keep ours going, but what if he never wants to have sex with me ever again? I'm just so stuck, and my original plan to deal with this situation has not worked, leaving me even more lost. Any help would be great. And pro-lifers out there--I've already had one abortion and have no problem doing another one, so answers involving judgment of my values and decision on this will be disregarded.
I don't have a life, friends beginning to hate me?
I am the same to you, I also very quiet and shy. I think you should spend more time with you classmate, and talk with them actively. Go to the party, you will become bold. We should stay together with others, we will happy. If you always stay alone, you will close your heart, and changed more and more quiet, then people do not dare to close you. You should smile to yourself when you wake up in the morning. Hope you will be more happy!
Whats the best way for an overweight person to prepare for the military?
Im currently planning on joining a branch of the military, unfortunately I'm very overweight. I'm 6'3" and I weigh in at just about 315lbs. Through my life ive been a slacker as well as a computer nerd, I've played football on and off for a few years because of my good body type for that kind of thing so im not new to exercise. Unfortunately it has been about 2 years since ive played and i havent gotten much exercise to be honest. Im wondering if anyone knows a good exercise plan to help me get back onto my feet when it comes to this. I have about 6 months until i plan on enlisting and the branch im most interested in happens to be the Air force so hopefully i can use this time to reach their weight limit (220 lbs max) Also if anyone has suggestions beyond the air force just let me hear some things =) any help is definitely appreciated
I want to know if you have to reserve a spot in cedar point for an RV and also the price for a family of 6?
i will be going to cedar point soon and would like to know if you have to get a reservation for the RV parking and the night and also how much is it
Looking for megabus arrival times Wash DC to Toronto?
The site doesn't do much, unless looking under reservation # & last name of passenger[s]? This is for picking up a relative.
Pro-lifers, if ensoulment didn't happen until viability, would God be ok with abortion until then?
Viability is the ability of the fetus to survive outside the woman, and it happens at 21 weeks at the very earliest.
If I tell the truth on my SF-86, but didn't tell the truth at MEPS and explain to the Security Office why...?
i didn't tell the truth at MEPS, will he go and tell the military so I get a Fraudulent Enlistment discharge? Because I have seen many things that say as long as you are COMPLETELY honest on the SF-86 you will most likely not be denied a clearance. Thanks and 10 points best answer!
Pro lifers would you consider an apple seed to be an apple tree like how you consider a fetus as a human?
Sure--if there were something morally wrong with destroying an apple tree because of its inherent right to exist, there would be something equally morally wrong with destroying an apple seedling or an apple seed. It would be morally wrong to act to destroy an apple seed.
How do I let my friend know that I can't afford to go out all the time?
My friend is a bit more financially stable than I am, and really wants me to go with her to a concert in the Fall, the thing is the concert is a plane ride away. She already bought hotel reservations, but I really don't think I can afford to go ( I still need to come up with plane fare and miscellaneous expenses) I love her dearly, but I don't want her to feel like I am always making up excuses not to hang out with her when I just can't afford to spend the money. :( She is always treating me out but I would prefer to just not go out. I treat her back when I can. But I don't want to seem like a leach. Especially when I don't really travel or care to do expensive things. Please help! thanks.
Why is there suicide prevention in prison?
That's a great question because it points out the irony. The criminal justice system does everything it can to drive a convicted person to suicide but then they have counselors in prison to prevent it. It's a perverted sense of justice. The truth of it is that most people who work inside the system feel like you do but they also know that it doesn't look good from a public perspective to have prisoners actually commit suicide. So there you have it. It's a system that intends to drive people toward suicide but which doesn't want the conclusion because it paints a negative picture of the system itself..
What makes it okay for a woman to choose abortion over adoption?
you could take the essay from the point of view that as long as there are unwanted pregnancies (there are MANY) that women should have the right to terminate that pregnancy. In this world 1 out of 3 women will suffer some form of violence or sexual abuse in her lifetime. So your essay could support abortion by the fact that until ALL pregnancies are wanted, abortion is an answer. I hope this helps. Check out the vday/ vagina monologues website for more statistics and information. Good luck with your paper!
Honeymooning at Rio in Las Vegas!?
Me and my husband are spending our honeymoon at the Rio All Suites Las Vegas, when I told this to the lady I talked to at the Rio she said she'll note it in our reservations. Does anybody know what they do for people celebrating a special occasion there?
I need some date advice?
So, I'm going to pick up my boyfriend in Owensboro, Ky and spend time with him for about 10 hours. I need things to do. I've already got Dinner reservations set, but I want more than that. A little help? I bought him this crystal rose that he can always have to remind him of our times together..but I don't want to give it to him at dinner...maybe a park? Idk...Someone help me with this and give me some ideas on a perfect date :).
Anybody think the President should not be in charge of the Military as Commander and Cheif?
I just find it really illogical that the Commander and Chief is someone who has absolutely no history in military tactics. I mean the only reason the President is Commander and Chief is because Washington was the only one fit to be president after the Revolution. It just seems wrong to me. I know this is a bad example but Hitler did lose because he refused to listen to his Generals who told him to move his army.
What is up with these kids going door to door selling stuff?
So its about that time of year, where teens go door to door selling stuff. Now I'm not the one usually opening the door, I usually pretend that no body is home, but my dad usually opens the door. Then he gives them a lecture about goin to the military for money or getting a job for like an hour( closer to 30 minutes) then proceeds to give ME a lecture about the same thing! WTF, I hate these kids, why can't they just get a job or something??? I have a job already, selling portraits, I make alot of money from it (like 50-200 dollars a week) just by drawing and painting. And just now, my dad gives one of them 5 dollars... WTF, im the one goin to high school with kids like these, and the only ones that care about their education are the ones getting scholarships and working... WHAT THE HELL???
Pro-lifers, was Octomom right in not 'murdering' her last 6 embryos?
What do you think about IVF and all those embryos that are eventually destroyed after they're not needed anymore? Octomom decided to implant her left over embryos instead, do you think she did the right thing?
Can I join the Navy with Factor V Leiden?
I have factor V leiden... it is not affecting my life, I haven't had a clot, and my doctor said i should not be getting one. I am not getting any answer and i don't want to go all the way to Military Entrance Processing Station. to find out I am disqualified.
WWII - How did Germany build up it's Army?
After WW1, they decided to strip Germany of most of it's Army. How the heck did they rebuild their military under the eyes of the world. They had given the Germans a certain limit for their own defense. Did they not notice the modern military war-machines rolling out of the factories, the massive military parades. Or did they just hope Germany wouldn't dare try anything after the failure of WW1.
Been seeing this girl for 1 month and no physical contact?
get a job and find out... i wouldnt want to start a new relationship with someone that doesnt have a job and no money to bring me to nice places.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Should i take my 7 wks puppy to the vet?
Yes, you should take your puppy to the Vet along with a fresh stool sample. When you get there, they will tell you all that's needed. CALL the Vet to see how much they charge. All Vets have different fees. Do NOT buy any OTC wormers, as they do NOT work. Not only that, you would have to know which worms are present as there are different wormers for different worms. The stool should also be checked for Coccidia, an intestinal parasite that is NOT a worm, and if present, Albon will be needed to treat it. All of this should have been done by the breeder or shelter you got the pup from to begin with, and the pup should have remained with it's Dam and litter until at least 8 weeks old.
Bottle Rockets in Washington to buy?
You can buy them from this site. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
Do you need reservations for Lake Berryessa?
My friends and I are going to Lake Berryessa next week for a few days and have been trying to make reservations all week. The number we are calling has a full mail box and they don't respond to emails. Are we able to just show up and take a spot or do we have to make reservations? Thank You!
Why do you believe abortion is or isn't murder?
if christians support the death penalty, they won't have problems in accept the abortion because we have free will but there are many ways to control that in order not to bring children to this world in that way, we have CONDOM
Don't you think it was still the BCCI's way on the decision made on DRS?
There is no doubt that BCCI has stood its ground and all other nations put together have been unable to shake it. Nevertheless, I find nothing wrong in this because I too find the ball-tracking technology rather 'doubtful' in terms of its accuracy and integrity in application. There have been many instances when what the hawk-eye displayed seemed to me as quite unbelievable and not gelling at all with the bare look at the replay views without the hawk-eye forecast of where the ball was heading to.
US Air Force? What's the commitment?
Is there a commitment? Like how long you have to be fighting? I'm sure there is. I know nothing. Do we lose as many people in war as the military? I'm terrified for my friend. :(
What if something is already prohibited by the Supreme Court?
No, because for one that would mean to abandon the Constitution for what it says and means and the other is to abandon the principle that unalienable/natural rights can be alienated (separated) from the individual without their consent, with the most most important being life.
My boyfriend kissed a guy in highschool for 20 bucks does this mean he may be gay?
Other than that he's in the military very masculine always has a b0ner around me is trying to take off my clothes loves video games. I just don't know what to think about it. He also put icy hot on his penis once for 100 dollars to impress some guys.
How is life in the military?
I am wondering if being in the military is like being in a prison? Does it suck do you get yelled at all the time are you following somebody elses orders 24/7 do you have any freedom to do something to benefit yourself? Do you have time for leisure activities do you get screwed over alot in the service. Sorry if these are too many questions to ask but i am very curious.
Any Military school?????
i am an 11 yr old girl. i want to be a marine when i grow up. is there a military school for girls where they train you to be a marine? and its for college. thanks in advance.
Do you think the USA would be better or worse with a increased population of 46 million residents?
Look at it this way -- those are 46 million unwanted pregnancies that could have been avoided if contraception was taught/made available.
Does any one know how to purchase tickets for the liberty science center in NY?
My family and I want to go next week and I haven't gone in a long time so I have no idea how to purchase them or do we have to get reservations for it please answer nicely thanks
Parental dependents in the air force?
you have to claim her as your dependent on your Federal taxes next year and then file a dependent claim through I would go to the web site and try and talk to someone and ask them how to add a parent as a dependent.. It's not hard
This is a question to pro lifers?
ok, so someone said to me a child should not be aborted under any circumstance because it does not belong to the mother, it is an individual, if this is so, what about circumcision? that shouldn't happen unless a child is consenting, but it can't, so is that not just as bad? rights are still being invaded, also, what about its religion, surely if it is not its mothers she shouldn't force her religion onto it, it has its rights ya know, this question is not for all pro lifers, many pro lifers are ok with abortion on some occasions, but if you think it is a human and has its own rights, then why is it ok to teach it a religion from birth, why is circumcision ok? why is it ok to send it to school, surely it should choose when its old enough.
Please give me some online business idea which can be operated trough net.?
I mean to say such as online recharge, railway reservation through which I can earn good profit. If somebody knows, how to start this business than please help me.
Do i need i reservation to get a tattoo from the starlight in las vegas?
i know that the starlight is a really popular/famous place to get tattoos. do i need to make an appointment ahead of time to make sure i can go in on the day i want to? or do people not make reservations to get tattoos? i've never done this before.
Give suggestions on what I should do...?
He's an alpha typed man, you're a woman that is attracted to alpha typed men, I guess. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Someone tell me what's up with all of this award stuff?
Pointless awards, just for popularity of being known, or troll. Get nothing but amusement from them. @Tony z.....well it's a ego boost, but it could also be an ego drop
Are people that don't believe in evolution, as bad as the people that don't think Casey Anthony did it?
Also, does this case show pro-lifers that if people don't want to have children and get pregnant, they should have an abortion and not kill their child so that the media can cover it 24-7?
Do you comply with the following quote with regard to the reservation system in India?
Reservation is anti-merit and anti-talent -- In fact reservation police is the biggest talent-killer in our country-- It should be completely banned and thrown to the custody of history pages forever.
Where's the best place for a student to stay in Wildwood NJ?
A group of three friends and I are planning a trip to Wildwood in August and I'm looking for a hotel. Most of the ones I've found are geared towards families and won't even accept reservations from people under 21 or 25 (my friends and I are 18-19). Most of them also have pretty strict policies and some have quiet hours. Is there any place more young people/ nightlife oriented? We're not planning on going wild or trashing the room, but we will be going out and coming home late, and I would hate for us to bother other hotel guests or have an issue with the management. Thanks.
Can the school do this to me!?!?!?
Well, "can they" and "will they" are different. I would get your parents to talk to the school board, you may need to speak with the district director as opposed to just the school principal. Unfortunately if nothing can be done, you'll have no choice but to take summer school or a correspondence course from a learning center in the next term, in addition to your regular courses.
Question for the Pro Lifers?
If abortion was banned and a woman was forced to carry her baby to term, would it be the state's reponsibility to take care of the child if the mother was unable to or would they allow it to starve to death?
Would you feel awkward being a commander in chief who never served in the armed forces?
I imagine it would be a little awkward addressing the brave men and women who risk their lives to serve our country in the armed forces if I never served myself. Barry just doesn't fit in anywhere I guess. I'm not saying Bush was a great president, but he seemed to have higher approval ratings with the military, being a former military member himself. The same can't be said for Barry.
How long does it take for a spouse and kids to get their military ID?
You have to have a certified copy of the marriage and birth certificates, drivers license and ss cards. Then go to DEERS on base with the service member and they'll put everyone in the system and print them out for you right then or mail them within 7days.
Should i have an abortion?
I am a single mom of 2 kids there dad and we split up and he is in the military so he is gone more then he see them. I was dating what was my bf for about a year and a half after a year we started talking about trying to have a child because he has no kids yet. Well we have been trying for the last 6 months and had no luck. 3 weeks ago his exwife came back into the picture (this women left him for another man who she went on to get engaged to drained his bank account, stole from him, lied to him) needless to say she came back crying how she was sorry she regreted what she did she wanted him back all that, so he told me he loved me but he loved her more he was married to at one time and he felt that they could work it out. I found out yesterday i was pregant. I called him right away to tell him and it was like he was more concerned with how she was gonna take it and if it was gonna affect them getting back together which clearly made me upset because this shouldnt concern her. Well we started talking about out options and what we were gonna do and we couldnt agree on anything from the start he was like i want joint custody and this baby on all holidays and it turned into one huge fight. And the women he is gonna be with already has 3 kids which she has none of them in her custody cps removed them from her care and pretty much said she is unfit. I told him when this child is born i do not want her around my child seeing how she couldnt care for her own and everytime she looks at that child she will see a part of me and i am honestly afraid she woulf try to hurt my child, but he thinks if she is gonna be in his life she should be in this childs. She sits there and bashes me to him and already is telling him that he isnt gonna take all their money and suport this child and its just gotten so outta hand. I really thought him and i were gonna be together i never thought he would take her back he had stated to me so many times how much he hated her and would never forgive her. I love this child thats inside of me already but i am already a single mom of 2 kids struggling to make ends meet. I live in a small one bedroom apt i cant afford to get anything bigger for when this child gets here and idk how much he is willing to help me cause it all has to go threw her first. I dont have money to go get a lawyer and fight him he brought up the options of abortion and i have never been for it but im not gonna lie i have considered it. I just wish i wouldnt have believed what he said cause i would have never tried to make a child with him. i am so confused i would appreciate any advice put please be respectful with your words
How do you plan long vacations?
For example, if you were going to spend a couple months in Europe. Would you book all of your hotel reservations before getting on the plane? Or do you just make reservations for the first day or so and improvise after that?
Is latent schizophrenia a special problem for other military personnel?
In the early 80's I enlisted in the Marine Corps.After a few months of training I had a collapsed lung.A few months after that I started hearing the voices of terrorists fabricating paramilitary skits.Example:Repeating over and over in a way only I could hear "the missiles are launched"and "you're dead".This went on day and night for over a decade.My parents insisted I seek help but it was unhelpful if not a medical facilitator.Lost sleep nightly for over a decade.Now the problem only surfaces when I need to make a positive impression on new acquaintances.Thus the latent problem. This has really prevented me from making even a descent life for myself.Non veteran reservist so no VA.Received an Honorable but that doesn't get me competent help in the private sector.Have contacted Rep.and Senators but no relief.Where should I turn next?They say it's open season on terrorists but I have a lot of doubt!
Is it possible for me to get a free abortion? (Pro-lifers don't answer PLEASE!)?
So I just turned 17 my boyfriend is 18. We had unprotected sex a couple weeks back and I am 100% positive I'm pregnant. I thought about this long and hard and realized I couldn't have my baby. But now Im trying to spare my mom the disappointment of me being pregnant. I don't have the heart to tell her. So I'm wondering if I can get an abortion without my parents consent in California? Also I really don't want to spend 400+$ for an abortion, is there any way I can get it for little or no cost? Thank you, and please don't judge me you don't know me enough to penalize me, and I'm sure you won't understand my circumstances.
What website company should I choose to make a website for my business?
I own a motel and I am looking to have a website company make reservation booking system through the website that they would create. I want to go with a company that can make a modern website for my business at a reasonable cost. I would like to know some recommendations on which companies I should look at and which I should avoid. Thank you.
Why there are no Indian who live in the big city of US today?
I will take the AP US History next year, so I need someone who can answer this question for me. From what I know, I know there are Africans, Europeans and Native Americans who live in America since 400 years ago. I know that Indians had been here since the Ice Age, and European bought slaves from Africa to America. My question is: why are no Indian who live in the big city of US today? Why are they only occupy less than 5% of US population while African Americans and White occupy a large amount of population in US today? Are they still live in the reservation today? I am not try to be a racist here, I just want to know about the history, sorry if I offense someone. Can someone please answer the question for me. Thank you!!!
BCT,PT,Reception Army Q's Please Answer, Thanks!?
hey - i had most of the same questions, and my recruiter was right about every answer so don't hesitate to ask yours. if you go in for 31B you will probably go to ft. leonardwood, which is where I just graduated bct from. It was great because since it is a military police base, they stress "doing the right thing" at all times. It's supposed to be one of the stricter bases and my drill sgts took away our razors, gel, and lotions for a period of time, and made us wear granny panties, but I met other females in other platoons who got to keep their stuff and wear more normal under garments, so truthfully, it's going to depend on who your drill sgts are (yes we got them back). Some are more lenient than others. PT was morning stretches, with runs every other day, and pt tests every few weeks. I was not in shape going in, and although it was a struggle, I survived. I lost 30 pounds. It sounds like you have time to get physically ready, so please do. If you want to impress those in charge, be the best in PT. Your recruiter can give u expected run times and push-up / sit-ups, or it's probably online, but your questions can be better answered by a recruiter. As far as personal experience - I loved it! They told us it would be 80% mental and only 20% physical, and it was just about right. My advice - don't worry about half your questions on what to bring or what's going to happen there - they are going to make plans for you then mess them up, just so you can learn to cope under stress. Whatever control you need to have before you get there will be stripped, so just let go and let happen what's going to happen - you are in a safe place, and it's to teach you how to be a proper / better soldier. Just concentrate on being in best physical shape you can be in. (and meeting weight requirements if you are under) good luck! :)
Monday, July 11, 2011
I am looking to do whatever it takes to get back into the military, I am dedicated to this cause I have a re-4 OTH I believe and a friend of mine is currently back in the military after being discharged for the same reasons I was. He said it all started just by talking to a recruiter feel free to Respond here or email me @ also we could set up face to face meetings I only work Mornings 3am - 8 am so any time any day is fine with me
Legal age to buy fireworks at a washington indian reservation?
To buy fireworks at an indian reservation in washington state (boom city cough cough) do you have to be a certain age? if you think yes or no still say it, but if you know for sure say that you do. thanks!
35L Counterintelligence Agent or 35M Human Intelligence Collector. Which is better for federal government?
I'm attending college in the fall, majoring in International Studies with an emphasis in Middle Eastern studies, and taking Arabic. I want to join the Reserves and do basic training during the summer between my freshman and sophomore year. Which mos is better suited if eventually I want to work in the CIA? I would like to switch to active duty after I graduate. Is that possible? Also so if I take Arabic and then another middle eastern language in DLI and all that coupled with my major and military experience will I be a good candidate for the CIA?
Can someone give me a detailed description of the Army and the Air Force. I cant decide which to do.?
Idk what branch of military to do. I want a challenge but I also want a great job. Should I just do the Army?
How is it not blatantly obvious to liberals that Obama = Bush to the T?
I agree with you. Seriously. Obama has shifted so far to the right that he's just a George W. Bush clone. Obama is far too conservative for America.
Do you need to put in a reservation for a wheelchair at Disneyland?
Nope! Just go up to the wheelchair rentals on the left from the main entrance to the park and you'll be able to rent one. Last time we rented one, they didn't even ask for a doctor's note. Even though it's kind of pricey, I recommend renting an ECV, pushing people around Disneyland all day can slow you down and tire you out.
Can i live on an indian reservation?
Im about 1/4 indian. I don't know which tribe. I wanna know if i can live on a reservation. I've always wanted to. :)
Should I go to the beach with my Hypocrite Sister-in-law?
I personally wouldnt do them any favors after she talked crap behind your back, she'll think she got away with it. plus its not like you owe her anything anyway.If she really cared, she would be the one trying to fix things between you.
Why do people some people say pro lifers are woman haters?
What's wrong with these people? The reason many are pro life is because they believe abortion is murder. not because they "hate" women. I don't even consider myself pro life (I am undecided on this issue) and I can see this.
Where is the Indian Reservation at In kansas?
I am wanting to find the Indian Reservation in Kansas to buy cheap cigarettes at I dont kno the location tho
Which sports should I play for nomination and admission to the U.S. Naval Academy or the U.S. Military Academy?
Personally, I would say Cross Country, Wrestling, and Lacrosse. The reason I say this is that Cross Country running increases your endurance and competitively pushes your limits. Wrestling works every major muscle group in your body, combines team and individual achievement, and increases warrior spirit and mental toughness. Wrestling requires physical and mental commitment,conditioning, and sacrifice. Lacrosse is a fast-paced, action-packed, adrenaline pumping sport where you can be successful if you're mentally tough. Playing the game involves a combination of speed, strength, and finesse. It combines the gracefulness of basketball, the speed of hockey, and the physicality of football into one exciting game.
I want to set up a 240 gallon discus aquarium?
you could have a bare tank, but you wont keep plants unless you put them in pots which would look stupid, also i try to replicate the environments as closely as possible, so for me its not an option, but if you were to you would have to bee pretty bone idle. get gravel, then you can use a gravel vac to glean it, its a doddle and easier than sand. to hide the intakes, id use rocks, or bogwood, i usually have well planted tanks, and the plants grow up to cover the inlets, not block them, but keep them out of view. the trouble with a foam rock scape is that although its easy enough, if you mess it up, then it can knock the ph up to about 10, no more discus, you have to either cure it, which can take months, or seal it (look up g4 pond sealant) but this can wear off after about 4 years at which point the cement will leech chemicals if not cured and kill the fish.
So if marijuana were legalized....?
If government prohibition were to end and the state you are in legalizes it, would companies still be able to fire you if they detect marijuana in your system after a random drug test? What about the military?
How and where to book the tuticorin-colombo passengers ferry service tickets?
I need to travel to colombo from tuticorin by passenger ferry service. I could not get the details about the ticket reservation. Can anyone help me?
I stopped going to church. What was up with my pastor?
We don't worship a pastor. Not because of him you will go to church. Drugs and alcohol you are talking endanger our bodies. Did Jesus Chirst took in drugs or alcohol. No then why you. The bible says through His son will you go to heaven by learning His ways. Worship with your true heart and God will remember that day. Follow Chirst ways and you will be saved.
Iam cadet of ncc with B,C certificates and camp cerficates also.i have BC-D girls categiry reservation.?
i got 43 marks in eamcet.i got 89.7% in IPE.can i get seat in AU or JNTU or MVGR or GAYATRI universites.
I want to sell hotel reservation made in Denali National park from 07/05 to 07/07.Please suggest how to sell i?
I want to sell the reservation made for Mckinley Chalet Resort made on 07/05 to 07/07.Can someone suggest good mechanism to sell it.
Fireworks: small-mid cakes?
Alright guys so its obviously been close to a year since the fourth. Im about to leave to the reservation but i had no time to do my usual research. so.... WHAT ARE SOME GOOD MID SIZED CAKES???
Is anyone else unsure if people are being racist or just tying to be funny?
My fiance's family are all white. I'm a quarter white so it's not this huge difference they're making it out to be. Im native american, Oneida enrolled, grew up on the reservation with my huge family. I've never been into dancing and the Pow wows like both sides of my family. I'm not walking around in traditional Oneida dresses or eating Fry bread every day but they say the rudest things that just rub me the wrong way. I'm not sure if I should say something or if they're just tying to be funny, yet accepting? His mom cracked a joke asking me if I caught wild buffalo for thanksgiving, they'll slap their hands on their mouths and make "indian" yells. His grandma was giving away family belongings, trays, wedding gifts, kitchenware, pictures, and she gave me native american salt n pepper shakers. It was pouring rain and at least 3 relatives of his approached me and asked if my family was doing a "rain dance" that day. I think my awkward laughing right away instead of saying something made it seem okay. I don't what to do. It was not a big deal at first, four years ago. But now every time I hear it I get really pissed and offended. I don't understand that kind of behavior I guess.
Is abortion a women's issue only?
Here's why I ask this; Every time I have ever had a conversation about abortion with anyone it has always been with a woman. Whether that person is pro life or pro choice it doesn't matter, It's always a woman. Not only that she's always the one who brings it up first not me. Guys discuss all kinds of things with each other, but the subject of abortion never comes up in our conversations. So why do these male politicians even bother to talk about it at all? If he's a right wing pro lifer he'll get flack from the left wing feminists for being a chauvinistic ****** who cares nothing about women's rights. If he's left wing pro choicer he gets flack from the right wing evangelical women who call him a murderer. Here's what I think; I think us men should be left out of the whole issue all together and let you women hash it out amongst yourselves. Have a big conference in Washington D.C. No Men aloud! Not even the Pope or the President. Get together and vote on which laws should be passed and which laws should go through concerning this issue. What do you think?
Would it be ok for me to serve in the u.s army?
Im a Muslim from Pakistan and I want to be on the u.s military. I live in america and I love the country! But I'm from Pakistan so shouldn't I be on the Pakistan military? But if I couldnt be in the u.s military, I wouldn't want to be in the military at all. I was raised in the u.s so, I'm Americanized. I dont want to seem hypocrical! I LOVE THE U.S.A!!!!!!!!!!
I stopped going to church. What was up with my pastor?
he does sound like a bit of a hypocrite but u cant say ur spiritual and still think its ok to get drunk and smoke pot! ur being a hypocrite too. you cant have both the bad and the good its gotta be 1 or the other. the people in jail for drugs belong there because drugs like mary jane and other can kill!! god says not be a drunkard, having a little wine to be sociable is ok but if your drunk then your not thinking and do stupid things like sleeping with people you dont know etc.. your crown in heaven will depend on what you do here on earth. read your bible proverbs and psalms are the love and wisdom of the bible start there. just 1 chapter a day is good. Oh and find a new church!!
Are United States' Soldiers still not getting paid?
I know that military pay was furloughed back in April with the Government shutdown, but someone told me that because of the potential default America may face this fall, our soldiers' pay has not been reinstated. So far, internet searches have not provided an answer.
Do you think we would here about it?
If a terrorist group obtained a WMD and the military recovered it prior to its existence being revealed do you think the government would reveal that terrorists ever had the weapon and that it was recovered.
Why do Pro-Lifers say abortion is murder?!?
Are they just stupid? Regardless of hat you believe, abortion is not "murder". Although it depends where you live, "Murder" is not an opinion-based concept. Murder is a legal term for the killing of someone illegally, so if abortion is legal, than it is NOT murder.
Motel reservation with parents' credit card?
In a little more than a month my boyfriend and I are taking a vacation to the beach, he is 20 and I'm 18. We both only have debit cards and don't want to use them to reserve our room online. Could it be possible to use my parent's credit card to just pay for the motel room in one go on the computer? The main issue I'm worried about is getting to the crappy motel we're staying at and them have a conflict with us using a card that isn't ours.
When should abortion be allowed and stopped?
As you can probably tell from the title I want to hear from moderates not extreme pro-lifers or extreme pro-choicers. If all your going to say is never abortion is murder or always it is a woman's right to choice please do not respond. I for one think it should be allowed but if a woman has a certain number of abortions (say 3 or 4) over a specified period of time she should not be allowed to have another abortion because she is using it as birth-control for a designated amout of time or just never again. Your thoughts on my idea I welcome all criticism so long as you don't go to far life or choice on me.
Aren't pro lifers just a big group of nonsensical people?
I wouldn't say nonsensical. Although, at times it certainly draws nonsensical arguments. I would say they are hypocrites. They call themselves "pro life" and yet usually are the same crowd who are also for the death penalty, for gun rights, and some of the more extreme "pro life" activists have bombed abortion clinics and killed abortion doctors. Pro life my foot.
Can white people live on Native American Reserves?
This is something I've been wondering about lately. Does anyone know if white people are allowed to live on (American) Indian Reservations and if would they go about doing so?
What is the Conservative response, in your opinion to The Obama's new Stance on Abortion?
Obama will say one thing then do another, if his lips are moving he is probably lying or making promises he has no intention on delivering in my opinion, and our stance has not changed abortion is murder.
Who has more cognitive abilities, a fetus or a dolphin? Does it mean the more cognitive feels more pain?
and if the dolphin and ape are the more cognitive and feel more pain, then why is their suffering of less concern to pro lifers than that of a fetus? because its human? that makes no sense, humans aren't special if theyre not on mental par with dolphins or apes, theyre the same value as animals at that point. if humans have a soul so do all the other animals because humans are animals, we evolved from an ape like creature and its proven in our dna and the fossil record, it has more evidence than the bible. without god there is no reason to prefer mentally deficient humans over animals who can mentally outperform them.
What does 33% reservation for girls mean?
nope dear 33% means 33 seats for girls and then as in as the normal list will be prepared with both boys and gals and accordingly admission. In short 33 girls are compulsarily to be admitted and if after that if according to merit list, girls are still there they will also be offered a too will be eligible for the rest 67 seats.
Pro life people, I have to ask you something?
Well, you never see pro-life protesters at abortion clinics in impoverished areas that cater to minorities, so that probably answers your question.
What are the decorative golden cords on military uniforms called?
Especially on parade and dress uniforms, what are those braided golden cords that hang one end on the shoulder the other end on a button near the chest on a jacket. What are they for?
Compensation from for invalid reservation...?
Well, if they didn't charge you, not much. You don't really sue people because they gave bad customer service. You may want to look for a contact address and write to an actual person, because hand-written letters get a lot more attention nowadays (because nobody sends them anymore!). If they put a charge on your credit card, contact your credit card company and they will fight it for you.
What is fun sexy game or activity to play with my boyfriend?
My boyfriend is coming from the US to Paris to visit me while I'm studying abroad. For the weekend as a surprise, I rented a nice hotel room and made dinner reservations. I spoke to the hotel in advance and they are going to have candles lit and champagne on ice waiting for us when we get back. However, what sorts of games or things can we do, to avoid just getting it on right away (which we will do) I just want some sort of creative lead up. thanx!
Which is best for me, Roth or 401k?
I'm having a hard time deciding what will be our best choice of account, so I figured I'd post my situation and take advice. My husband and I are both 22. He is active duty Navy, so we are eligible for the tsp 401k. The military does not match anything into it. We are in a low tax bracket right now because I am in school. However, when I finish school (about 8 years) we will jump to a much higher tax bracket. My husband plans on doing 20 years in the Navy (he has a little over 3 in right now). So with that information taken into account, what would be the best investment plan for us? Thanks for your help!
I had a dream that my girlfriend?
First, may I say that there is certainly a lot going on with you about this particular female and must be "haunting" you at every turn. This particular female appears to have impacted you far greater than many other females in your life and this is "scary" territory for you to emotionally navigate. Therein lies the "biological" aspect to release the anxiety through the dream process. Your "girlfriend having sex with somebody else" is a "symbol" and represents an emotion or in this dream, multiple emotions "you" are experiencing on varied levels. It is but a "thought" that centered at the core of your anxiety is "your" fear that if you proceed to vest your "heart" "emotions" that "you" your heart/emotions may suffer with rejection. The emotions centered in the dream symbol (girlfriend having sex) are centered within the "self doubts" of being inadequate, inferior, unlovable, "lack of" or "being unable" to fulfill what "you" perceive the expectations of or needs of the other individual. Hence, fear of rejection. You have not provided any facts/statements to indicate that this person "cheats", "lies" or has no credibility. -- It is apparent that you find this individual physically attractive and believe that others find her quite desirable, i.e.,referencing your emphasis "high class escort". There is a "discomfort" zone in the emotional "scary" water you are navigating with this woman and this has generated "anxiety". -- You have identified yourself as "conservative" and identified the female "dresses kinda slutty at times". Again, this is but a thought -- maybe this is about "esteem" and view of oneself. The question returns as to "whose" esteem is being challenged in your dream? -- What is it that you seek with this "woman"? "Why" pursue a relationship with this woman if "something isn't right"? Things don't get more right if based on "wrong" to begin with. -- My best to you regarding this matter.
Ramadan: I did something bad?
It was not correct that she massaged you. As Allah for forgiveness and avoid such things for the sake of Allah. I would categorize this as a minor sin; therefore, do many good deeds and search for ways to eliminate minor sins such as coming early to Jumu'ah Prayer etc or making Istighfar between Jumu'ah Prayer and Maghrib. Don't forget Qiyamu-Layl. We all do mistakes and you are not an angel. Allah willl forgive you if you are sincere.
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